Visit of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Professors

(Arabic for All) welcomed a delegation of faculty members from Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, specializing in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. The delegation's visit aimed to establish connections and discuss issues related to teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. The two-week program is designed to enhance professional development in this field, in addition to several cultural visits in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The delegation arrived on Saturday evening, and the activities began with a welcoming and introductory meeting about the program on Sunday morning, 15 Muharram, corresponding to July 21. The delegation was received by the CEO of "Arabic for All", Mr. Khalid Al-Shateri, and the academic supervisor of the program, Mr. Abdullah Al-Qahtani. At the end of the meeting, the delegation presented commemorative gifts to "Arabic for All" in appreciation of the warm welcome and hospitality.